Phoenix Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy
Phoenix Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy

Weston's Master Hypnotherapist &
Life Change Coach
Gary Condon
SQHP, Dip NLP Adv. Master, Dip Master Hypnotist, DHP, HPD, Cert Hypno, Dip LCH, Dip Life Coach, Senior GHR, Acc CNHC, Dip Counselling, Dip CBT, SH, MNCH, Cert Fast phobia / PTSD Cure, Adv. Dip weight loss and virtual Tummy Band, Cert EBP, Cert Counselling
Weston's Master Hypnotherapist &
Life Change Coach
Gary Condon
SQHP, Dip NLP Adv. Master, Dip Master Hypnotist, DHP, HPD, Cert Hypno, Dip LCH, Dip Life Coach, Senior GHR, Acc CNHC, Dip Counselling, Dip CBT, SH, MNCH, Cert Fast phobia / PTSD Cure, Adv. Dip weight loss and virtual Tummy Band, Cert EBP, Cert Counselling
Gary is a highly qualified and experienced, Master Hypnotherapist, Specialist Life Change Coach, Psychotherapist and Advanced Master NLP practitioner who is registered with the CNHC, the NCH and has achieved " senior status at the GHR".
Gary started his journey to being a professional therapist by volunteering as a crisis line operator at Mindline, he then went on to qualify in counselling, CBT and other mind therapy models before qualifying as a clinical Hypnotherapist, Master Hypnotist, Psychotherapist, master NLP practitioner and Life Change Coach.
Gary learned his skills from some of the best in the business (those who not only teach it, but DO IT) he has achieved his status as Weston's Master Hypnotist, and senior status at the GHR, which helps to reassure people, that they will receive an honest, no punches pulled, professional service at phoenix.
As well as delivering occasional talks on how the mind works and how hypnosis helps make beneficial change, Gary has had many editorials published in the local press promoting the many mental and health, benefits of hypnotherapy AND helping dispel some of the confusion and fear that surround hypnosis and hypnotherapy, which is generally based around what is see on TV or Stage.
Gary says "I have had to make vast changes in my own life including overcoming years of depression and anxiety and reducing my weight from 30 + stone getting off about 15+ stone, amongst other life style changes I now enjoy regular exercise and I particularly love cycling outdoors and indoors and I have joined the HSBC British Cycling Club attending events when possible.
Its great to now feel alive after years of depression and being very unwell. Gary says, I am not a jack of all trades, just a master of one. Gary's story here